Thursday, September 21, 2017

Early Signup Ending Soon! Plus Scenario #3

The time is fast approaching that the price will go up on registration fees, so if you're interested in coming to the tournament, let's get that registration paid ASAP. We're a little under a month out from the big day! So also keep in mind that any fees paid are non-refundable after this weekend, as we've already ordered your product and are now just waiting for you to show up on the big day!

We're up to 9 players signed up, we're already looking at several more that will put us over the 14 players from last year, so this event is going to be bigger than the last one, no doubt about it. We still have 15 spots that are unpaid for and up for grabs, so if you're interested now is the time to contact me and get your spot reserved!

Beyond that, I figured I should announce the third scenario for our tournament, which will be: Eliminate.

Players will deploy as per normal scenarios, but then each player will place an Eliminate token on their three units with the largest unit strength and point value, with unit strength taking precedent. So for example, a player with three hordes of zombies and a vampire lord on a dragon would place one token on each of the hordes of zombies and none on the dragon, because each of the hordes of zombies would have a unit strength of 3, as opposed to the unit strength of 1 of the vampire on a zombie dragon. Now if there were three hordes of zombies and a horde of wights, then the wights and two hordes of zombies would each get a token (player's choice as to which one would get it), because the wights have a unit strength of 3, plus they cost more points than a horde of zombies.

Units cannot transfer their tokens to other units, nor can they drop them. These are not heavy loot tokens and so do not affect a unit's movement and they can still be hit by surge if applicable. If a unit carrying their Eliminate token is destroyed in melee, then their token is given to the player that routed that unit to keep. If a unit is killed by shooting, the Eliminate token they are carrying is destroyed and benefits no one.

An extra Pillage style token is placed in the dead center of the battlefield, this token is worth 3 Battle Points to whichever side has the highest amount of unit strength within 3" of it and the end of the last turn. This token cannot be picked up or moved by units.

Victory Conditions:
At the end of the game, each of the player's opponent's Eliminate tokens is worth 4 Battle Points (for a max of 12, your own Eliminate tokens are worthless to you) plus a potential 3 more from the center Pillage token if you control it.

If you table your opponent, you will get all 15 possible battle points, regardless if one is lost to shooting, plus the 5 points for attrition and the 5 points for winning the objective, for a total of 25 points for the round.

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